Warrior's Cove Martial Arts & Fitness | The Quality Training Partners


Warrior's Cove Martial Arts & Fitness | The Quality Training Partners


Warrior's Cove Martial Arts & Fitness | The Quality Training Partners


Warrior's Cove Martial Arts & Fitness | The Quality Training Partners


Warrior's Cove Martial Arts & Fitness | The Quality Training Partners


Warrior's Cove Martial Arts & Fitness | The Quality Training Partners


Warrior's Cove Martial Arts & Fitness | The Quality Training Partners


Warrior's Cove Martial Arts & Fitness | The Quality Training Partners


Warrior's Cove Martial Arts & Fitness | The Quality Training Partners


Warrior's Cove Martial Arts & Fitness | The Quality Training Partners


Start Today!
Minneapolis Gym 612-328-9488!
Saint Paul Gym 612-208-7984!

Current New Member Specials!

We are offering a FREE Class & Evaluation with our Head Instructor to plan how we will work together with you to achieve all your training goals! Then, if you are ready to start now, SAVE Over $200  on your first visit with our FAST START DIscount which includes a Free Uniform or Bag Gloves!

Warrior’s Cove Reviews!

 See Over 150 Reviews Below From Members Training at the Cove!

“Since Mr. Arnebeck incorporates complete mixed martial arts and jiu jitsu, I was able to learn them both at the same time. I took my first professional fight after 2 years of training at the Cove.”

Ben Neumann

Professional MMA Fighter & Instructor, Third Degree MMA Black Belt

“I have evolved into a better athlete, fighter, and a more humble, balanced individual. These progressions have been instrumental in my personal & professional development. In its totality, I consider BJJ training for life, not merely battle.”

Chris Daeger

Former Navy SEAL, Firefighter for the Minneapolis Fire Department.

“I’ve encountered dozens of styles and systems of defense. Their system of martial arts cross training is by far the most enlightened I’ve come across in my 11 years of law enforcement.”

Deputy Kent Mueller

Defense Instructor, Ramsy County Sherriff's Department

More Reviews on the bottom of this page!

Welcome to the Cove! 

Meet Your Training Partners!

Start Today!
Minneapolis Gym 612-328-9488!
Saint Paul Gym 612-208-7984!

About half of the new members that join us each month have no previous martial art training, and many consider themselves “out of shape”. The rest range from those with only a few months of training from another gym, to martial art experts with over 20 years of training! Everyone is paired with training partners appropriate for their skill level.

Not everyone is allowed to train at the Warrior’s Cove. Egotistical individuals with bad attitudes are quickly dismissed from class. This allows you to focus on the highest quality training without dealing with needless injuries or attitude problems. The trustworthy and motivated individuals that you will have the pleasure of training with is one of the many things that sets the Warrior’s Cove apart. Those who transfer in from other schools constantly tell us how the Cove is unique, not only because of the quality instruction, but also because everyone from the beginners to the instructors show respect to each other, and everyone helps each other in the training!

See Over 150 Reviews From Members of the Cove at the bottom of this page!


Current New Member Specials!

We are offering a FREE Class & Evaluation with our Head Instructor to plan how we will work together with you to achieve all your training goals! Then, if you are ready to start now, SAVE Over $200  on your first visit with our FAST START DIscount which includes a Free Uniform or Bag Gloves!

Cove Member Reviews!

“I grew up playing sports my whole life. I played soccer, baseball, hockey and football. After high school I started putting on a lot of weight from being inactive. Joe and I found the Cove and the rest was history. I went from being over 250 lbs to 215 in the first 3 months. Now I fight at 185 lbs., planning on dropping to 170. I owe it all to Mr. Arnebeck and the Warrior’s Cove. The training at the Warriors Cove is intelligent, safe and effective. It is not a “tough guy” school like so many others that are out there nowadays. You are taught the very core of Jiu Jitsu and stand up fighting (striking, clinching and takedowns) which is the most important (I always preach fundamentals). Everybody at the Cove is friendly and always willing to help each other, and when needed, willing to push each other, challenge each other and help each other grow, not only as martial artists but as human beings as well.”

Nate Howe

Pro MMA Fighter. MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. No previous martial art training.

“I am very happy with my membership and training. I have been most impressed by the people there and how friendly, helpful and approachable everyone is. And this goes from the top down and includes instructors as well as other class members. Having no prior martial arts training, I was a little concerned when my boyfriend convinced me to join that there would be a lot of hard core, militant types in the class that would be intimidating to a small woman like me. On the contrary, I’ve found everyone to be friendly and approachable and easy to work with. I am sure that attitude is instilled from the top down (meaning you) because your class members want to emulate you. So they take cues from you and when they see that you are respectful of everyone and friendly and approachable in your training style, they act the same way. So please don’t change a thing about that…because I continue to be impressed every class by how wonderful the people are!”

Robin Osborne

Female MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. No Previous Martial Art Training.

“I would recommend Warriors Cove to anyone who wants to learn a very effective system of self defense. I have over 20 years of Martial Arts training and a black belt in Tae kwon do. Out of all my years of training I attended many different schools and have had 19 instructors. Based on my previous experiences I can honestly say that the head instructor of Warriors Cove, David Arnebeck, is not only one of the most skilled martial artists I have trained under, but he is also the best instructor I have ever had. Mr. Arnebeck is very patient and takes the time to make sure his students understand every technique. The training environment is safe, clean and there are no attitudes by other students. My favorite aspect of the school is the training in Brazilian Jujitsu which is a very effective defense and a great workout. The training is well rounded and includes stand up striking and throws. I highly recommend this school to both the experienced martial artist and also those with no prior experience.”

Sean P. Lissarrague

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do with over 20 years experience.

“My experience at Warrior’s Cove has been profound. After three and one half years of training, the effects on my life are obvious. My fitness level has increased dramatically. I am much more flexible, have better endurance and health of the cardiovascular system. I also have better posture and have seen great improvements in balance. The most powerful change has been in my mind. The focus that I have acquired through the repetition of movements and the will to improve has been a potent ingredient in my growth. I am able to concentrate and relax under difficult circumstances. This is a great tool for dealing with stress and anxiety. I am more confident but also have better control of my ego. All of these factors have contributed to me making better life choices for health and family.

The atmosphere inside the Cove is truly special. Everyone trains with the safety of their partner in mind. Senior members are always willing to help newer students learn technique. The code of conduct is simple, graceful and never dramatized. My experience around Mr. Arnebeck has taught me that he is generous and easygoing, but also very skilled in the martial arts and gifted in their teaching. I am daily impressed with the passion he has for his life’s work. I feel very fortunate to have this incredible place near enough to me to allow my training and I look forward to each class I attend.”

Andrew Bendzick

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“The best thing about the Cove, is the atmosphere. It’s friendly and cooperative with fantastic instruction from some of the best martial artists in the area. When Mr. Arnebeck demonstrated Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, I was amazed! I outweighed him by 100 pounds, but he tossed me like a rag doll and submitted me with ease. That’s when I realized cross-training is the way to go. You must be able to defend yourself both standing and on the ground. Otherwise, you will have a weakness that can be exploited.””

Michael Ellefson

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. 3rd Degree Black Belt of Aikido & 2nd Degree Black Belt of Ryukyu Kempo.

“The quality of training, the hours, the flexibility to attend other classes and sessions are all GREAT! I’ve only been a member for a short time, but I have found all of the instructors to be deserving of recognition. They have all shown tremendous patience with me personally and have taken the time to work with me to improve. I originally joined the Cove as a way of providing some conditioning to my workouts. I’m happy to say that I received that and so much more. Under Mr. Arnebeck’s direction and dedication the Cove has been an incredible experience. My conditioning has improved, I’ve lost over 20lbs, and I’ve taken my self defense skills to a whole new level. The Warrior’s Cove provides everything you’re looking for.”

Robert Plaszcz

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. Chief Information Officer, Allina Health System. No Previous Martial Art Training.

“Thank you for instructing us at our last training meeting. The skills and techniques you showed were very helpful and well done. I received nothing but positive comments from my fellow instructors. You were informative, professional, and very knowledgeable. Again, thank you from the Ramsey County Sheriff’s Training Unit.”

Deputy Steve Yochim

Warriors Cove Corporate Training Student. Training Coordinator for the Ramsey County Sheriff’s Officer Training Unit.

“I was very impressed with your program and instructors. I found your school very well taught. I am a police officer (retired) and my daughter is going to school for law enforcement. I know very well that most fights end in ground fighting and wanted her to learn how to defend herself and boost her confidence. Your school fit the bill completely.”

William A. Snyder

Former Police Officer & Father of a Warrior’s Cove student.

“When I moved to the United States from Russia in 1989, I had already trained in the martial arts for 17 years. I started looking for a school with a clean workout area, personalized training, high moral standards, qualified instructors and, most of all, quality people with which to train. However, during my search, I began to wonder if I would find a school I could belong to. Eventually, a friend told me about the Warrior’s Cove, and I agreed to go take a look. Twenty minutes into class I was on the edge of my seat trying to see every move and catch every concept! Needless to say, I was a proud member of the best school in the area by the end of the hour!”

Leonard (Dobrovetsky) Goldberg

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. Former Shotokan and Sambo practitioner. Former Captain of the Moscow Junior Sambo Team.

“At the age of 44, I was severely overweight and developing some very painful arthritis that was limiting my ability to exercise, especially the sport that I loved most, basketball. I decided that I needed to get serious about controlling my weight, and wanted to find an activity that would be challenging and vigorous, without aggravating the damage to my joints. I’ve found all that and more with the cross training at Warrior’s Cove. After a year and a half of training at Warrior’s Cove, I’ve lost about 40 pounds, I’m stronger, more flexible and more energetic. I’m starting to feel like an athlete again! I’ve also discovered a lifelong pursuit that will continue to challenge and engage me. I highly recommend Warrior’s Cove to anyone of any age that’s looking for a positive and supportive place to work out and learn new skills.”

Dave Hunter

MMA, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Fitness Kickboxing & Eskrima student. Software Engineer with no prior martial arts experience.

“Warrior’s Cove under the leadership of David Arnebeck and Carolyn Arnebeck has positively changed the lives of so many people. The training, dedication to skill/technique and the opportunities a person has to become the best Mixed Martial Artist – is, enlightening!”

David Skora

MMA, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, & Fitness Kickboxing student.

I recommend the Warrior’s Cove to anyone who is serious about in-depth training in the martial arts. You will find both superb instruction and effective techniques. My training in the martial arts has given me focus and discipline in life, and a deep understanding of myself. I’ve learned to be patient and relaxed, waiting to take advantage of the right move at the right time. I have also lost over 40 pounds as a result of the MMA and Aerobic Kickboxing programs!”

Carl Grensing

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. Former Black Belt Instructor for the United States Tang Soo Do Federation and also the World Tang Soo Do Association.

“Thank you for your great school. Not only is the instruction great but the entire atmosphere is warm, professional and energizing. I am now living in Orange County (South of L.A) and I am preparing for law school entrance tests. I really miss the Warrior’s Cove! Although I had no prior instruction in martial arts, I felt that your school was first class. My belief was confirmed as I tried to find a school to train at here in California. There are many good schools in the area but I wish one of them was yours. I realize now how important it is to learn good positional control skills first, and I appreciate the fact that you hold off on submissions until a degree of skill & experience has been achieved. Those I have talked to here are unfamiliar with such restrictions, and I think It has definitely been to my advantage. We are planning on moving back to MN after a few years out here, and I hope you are still instructing. Sorry the letter is so long, but I wanted to thank you. Take care.”

David O’Brien

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. Law School Student. No Previous Martial Arts Training.

“I am still in Prague teaching English and I am currently the director of a teacher training program here that I established. Martial Arts in this city is pretty seedy and usually cater to the Russian Mob type. The techniques are always completely overshadowed by the use of brute force. The end result is that you never seem to improve in grace or understanding – only in aggression. I wanted you to know that your school is the best training facility that I have ever been to and you are easily the best teacher I have ever had. I just wanted to thank you for your never-ending patience with me and the rest of your students. I know it must be frustrating to have to demonstrate techniques over and over again and correct students mistakes. Thank you for taking the time to show us the details of proper form and technique.”

Chris Westergaard

MMA & Jiu Jitsu Student. Director of The Language House, Prague, Czech Republic

“To me the Warriors Cove is much more than a martial arts school. I came to the Warriors Cove 4 years ago. I was very out of shape and weak. I struggled at first against bigger and stronger opponents. But I fell in love with the game, and stuck with it. MMA, for me is the only physical activity that has ever been able to hold my interest. I know if it wasn’t for finding the Warriors Cove, I would still be weak and out of shape.

The physical benefits, which are great, for me pale in comparison to the great mental & emotional benefits I have received in the 4 years since I started training at the Warriors Cove. I am much more confident in myself. I have a greater sense of peace. My mind feels much sharper, and I am a much happier person now. I generally feel much more capable of dealing with whatever life throws at me. My day to day anxiety level is also much less. I couldn’t imagine my life without the Warriors Cove, and I am eternally grateful that Mr. Arnebeck started this school.

The friendship and camaraderie among the students is one of the greatest benefits of the school. It makes it easy to make it to class when you know there are so many great people there. I look forward to seeing all my friends at the school, as much as I look forward to training.
“I could have never imagined the transformation I’ve gone through to be able to pull this off. [15 submissions against 4 rotating opponents in 1 full hour of submission grappling!] For that, all the thanks goes to Mr. Arnebeck… There’s no way I could have gotten through anything like I did without your help.”

Joshua Lebsock

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“If you are a small man or are a woman and want the skills to fight off an attacker, my testimonial is a must read. I’m 5’7″ and weigh 140 pounds. I’m a small guy. In fact, my frame is very similar in size or smaller than many women. The beauty of MMA and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is that size doesn’t matter. I can defend myself in stand up punching and kicking situations, and take the fight to my opponent if needed. I now know that Judo throws and takedowns are easier for a shorter person because your center of gravity is lower and you can get under your opponent easier. If things go to the ground, I can submit or choke out an opponent who has 100+ pound weight advantage. Once on the ground everything equals out, and with training, you have a huge advantage. Your opponent will be a fish out of water. How can this be? MMA and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) aren’t dependent on athleticism, strength or fitness. You use your brain, not brawn, and the laws of physics (leverage) to defeat your opponent.

In my opinion, real self-defense is more of a mental match up then a physical size match up. Mr. Arnebeck is a unique teacher. I have found him to be very open minded to new ideas and he realizes the only constant is change. I see him as student as well as a teacher and he is constantly adding to his resume and skills by continuing his education. He has been a student of Rickson Gracie (7th degree black belt BJJ) since 1996, and brings in Rodrigo Vaghi (3rd degree black belt BJJ) and Tom Crone (highest ranking Judo Master In MN) to the Warriors Cove for seminars. Its important to me that he continue to provide me with up to date information.

Mr. Arnebeck will spar or grapple with me any time I ask. This is important to me, it shows he is the real deal. If I have a new technique to try or if I don’t think a technique is good, he will work though it with me on the mat and explain verbally why it will or won’t work. Mr. Arnebeck is not afraid to be tested by me on a weekly basis and realizes that I won’t learn as much if he uses all of his abilities against me while sparring or grappling. By allowing the playing field to be more even, I learn faster. He does this by allowing me to achieve a position, a hold, a sweep etc, that I normally wouldn’t be able to achieve, so I can improve. If I have technique questions, he will answer them and probably ask me to try it on him several times so he is sure I understand it. He also knows that everyone is unique physically and mentally and shouldn’t be forced into the same mold. He has always told me to use the tools he has given me but to develop my own individual style of BJJ.

I have visited several schools around the country Neto Jiu Jitsu and City Boxing in San Diego, CA; Renzo Gracie Association School in New Haven, CT and Royce Gracie Association School in Norwich, CT. But I’m always excited to return home to “The Cove” for the quality, integrity, and fun.”

Scott Sjoquist

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. MMA Fighter. No previous Martial Art Training. Currently Working in Research & Development for Boston Scientific Corporation. Former United States Air Force Officer in Europe.

“Sir, just wanted to say Thank You for providing such an awesome place to train. I am greatly impressed with your level of skill mixed with your humility and professionalism. YOU, personally make the Cove special. Thanks again.”

Richard “Dicky” Goben

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. Previous training includes Japanese Jiu Jitsu.

“Everything has been AWESOME so far….best Martial Arts work out EVER….change NOTHING. WOW…is all that I can say about EVERYONE I have come into contact with… I have recommended it a ton of people…..

I am an assistant wrestling coach at the local high school and I have recommended that all my kids try it. I have done a wide variety of different martial arts, boxing, all types of amateur wrestling and some Sambo/Judo, and I can say that without a doubt the Warriors Cove is what I have been searching for. From the great class environment to the instructors everything I have encountered has been great.”

Shane Dezee

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. MMA Fighter. Current High School Wrestling Coach. Former State Wrestling Champion. Former Training Includes Kung Fu, Judo, Sambo, Boxing & Wrestling.

“I am very excited to begin the advanced training program at the Warrior’s Cove. From day one, I have appreciated all of the instruction that you have provided, and I’m very excited to take it to the next level. I doubt that I could find a better MMA instructor anywhere in the United States, much less the Twin City area.”

Kelly Fitzgerald

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. Attorney. No Previous Martial Art Training.

“Warriors Cove provides people with the ultimate opportunity to learn the best martial arts training available. The instructors have exceeded my expectations, which were already high because my instructors in my last martial art were fantastic. The environment is safe and friendly. Students care about each others safety and want to help each other learn. My son goes to Warriors Cove with me and LOVES IT! If you want to learn a martial art, you would be doing yourself a huge disservice to not give Warriors Cove a try.”

R.J. Nord

Family MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. 3 years of Tai Chi and Kung Fu experience. Graduated number one in his class in the Navy while studying in the Intelligence Field. Served in Desert Shield and Desert Storm. Graduated from Bethel University with a 4.0 GPA with a Bachelors of Arts in Organizational Leadership. Happily married for eight years with one son and daughter.

“I am a huge fan of BJJ and MMA so this chance for me to learn what I have seen is very very cool. It is an honor to be taught by you after learning so much about your martial arts history and your practice under Rickson. The Warrior’s Cove is, in my opinion, the only place to go for martial arts training. Everything is very practical due to it being based on real life scenarios. I have learned so much in just the 4 weeks I have been there. I have a very demanding job (Senior Loan Officer) and I am almost always able to work around my schedule because of the class availability. I think whether you are a beginner looking for self defense skills or you want to expand on past martial art experiences, the Warrior’s Cove has what you are looking for!”

Josh Boege

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“The school is very professional and the results are noticeable immediately. Thanks for the training.”

Paul Fern

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. Law Enforcement Field.

“I enjoyed every class I went to and learned a lot. I will be recommending the class to my friends. I really liked the training because it is useful in real situations.”

Eric Stafford

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“I enjoy Warrior’s Cove in all aspects of the training. This cannot be emphasized enough!! Thank you again, as well as the other instructors
for all the help!”

Ryan Wichmann

MMA, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu & Eskrima Student.

“I like the format of the classes, and the open gym time afterwards. Everyone has been helpful and approachable, and the atmosphere feels good. For someone who has had no martial arts background, Warrior’s Cove has been a great way to get started. From the moment I walked in, I feel like I’m being encouraged to do my best without being pressured to do more than I am able. In addition to learning self-defense, I have also seen improvements in muscle tone and my heart rate.”

David Doyle

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. No Previous martial arts experience. Computer programmer with a Master’s Degree.

“The atmosphere is the biggest thing that drew me to this place when I first came and visited. The people were respectful and were there to learn. The classes are taught in a way that I find most effective for me to learn by presenting a problem and providing a potential solution to that problem. Also emphasis on position really helps to build a patient mindset that is needed while grappling to help avoid injury to your partner or oneself. All the instruction I have received here at the Cove has been top notch. As far as training partners go all those who train regularly during the day classes (Monday and Wednesday) are great. They all encourage me and help me learn the finer points of the technique that is taught that day. If your goals are self-defense, fitness, competition or just for fun Warrior’s Cove will give you a place to meet those goals. The Cove gives you a great place to learn in a safe environment that encourages learning and hard training that will get you to the goals that you set for yourself. I would recommend Warrior’s Cove to anyone looking for Martial Arts training.”

Jason Bautista

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. Former Training Includes 1.5 Years of Krav Maga.

“The instructors are friendly and informative and want you to learn. I think Josh, Andrew, Bob, Juan and Randy have done an excellent job of teaching and taking the time to show us the techniques however many times it takes and to give us one on one demonstrations as well. It’s a safe atmosphere in which to learn and I feel like I’m getting real self-defense training that could be useful in the future. I am also enjoying the sport of Jiu Jitsu as well as getting back into shape. I already have recommended the Warrior’s Cove to several people that I work with, as well as friends. This has truly been a great experience for me, in that I am learning a useful skill and sport while having fun and getting in shape at the same time. I’ve wrestled and taken Martial Arts before, but this is a realistic mixture of both that I plan on doing for a long time. I also would like to get back into competition sometime in the future.”

Todd Erickson

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. Former Training Includes 2 Years Boxing, 8 Years Wrestling, 4 Years Tae Kwon Do, 1 Year Kendo.

“I am very very excited to finally have the opportunity to train with you at The Cove. You and your assistants and the other students have impressed me a lot and everyone has been very helpful and made me feel more than welcome. Thank you!”

Joshua Iverson

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. No Previous Martial Art Training.

“I’ve taken numerous martial arts (and benefited from all of them), but I’ve definitely learned the most from my experience in grappling that I’ve received at the Warrior’s Cove. I’ve always really appreciated the realism our school embraces. The people we tend to attract and who stay with the school, as well as the instructors are the most excellent people I’ve ever trained in martial arts with (double kudos to that end)… I’ve never felt really skilled at a physical activity until I found Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. It capitalizes on my strengths, and with time, I know it will make me a formidable fighter. You don’t have to be strong, fast, or big to become a formidable fighter; that is one of the first things you learn here. You learn how to overcome size, strength and blind aggression with technique. The realism of full-strength grappling (which can be done without the bruising caused by striking) wears you down at first, but you learn how to compensate technique for strength. Being less strong than your opponent becomes less intimidating, and full-strength grappling will feel pretty close to what a real self-defense situation will be like. Being a man of only modest build, I use to wonder what I’d be able to do to defend myself if someone stronger ever attacked me full-out. After near 6 months of training here, I know if I ever have to defend myself or my family from an attacker I will not worry about being tough enough.”

Matthew Shotley-Menzel

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. Previous training includes White Crane Kung Fu (1 1/2 years), Tiger Claw Kung Fu (1 1/2 years), Snake Style Kung Fu (1 1/2 years) and Shotokan Karate (9 months).

“When I found the Warriors Cove I was impressed in the safe manner that Mr. Arnebeck conducts his classes. Also the senior students impressed me in the way they help to make sure new students learn the techniques correctly. I started BJJ just to get in shape and lose weight. If you really want to lose weight just show up to class!!!! The side effects….. you will learn real self defense.”

Juan Rivera

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. Former Training Includes Combat Hapkido.

“The training I have received at the Cove is top notch. Mr. Arnebeck always answers my question no matter what it is. I feel that the training pertains to real life situations that may occur, not just the competition end. I love that I get a well rounded training as well. One day working on my feet the next on the ground. As a wrestler for many years I have been taught many moves on the ground. MMA teaches me a more effective and safer ways to defend myself on the ground. Training with Mr. Arnebeck and his assistant instructors is something that I look forward to every week.”

Eric Herman

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. Previous training includes 11 years of Folk, Freestyle, and Grecco wrestling. Inside Sales/Fabrication for a steel company in Eagan.

“Warriors Cove offers great realistic martial art training to keep you safe on the street or at home. It gives well rounded instruction, allowing you to be a well rounded fighter and capable of defending yourself in any environment. However the best thing I like about Warriors Cove is the friendly training environment. Everyone here is really supportive and answer any questions that you have.”

Cutler Dozier

MMA, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, & Eskrima Student.

“I had lost my faith in martial arts due to my prior training. I was able to make it to blue belt in Tae Kwon Do simply by doing forms. It felt more like dance class than self defense. This all changed the day I pursued Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

I was able to locate a school called Warrior’s Cove, and I was also excited to learn that the school was directly associated with the great Rickson Gracie whom I’ve seen on many a highlight reel. He is so good in fact that Royce Gracie actually claimed Rickson to be 10 times better than him. I figured it was meant to be and went in for some information.

I was greeted by a man named David Arnebeck. I could tell that he had a fighters build and an abundance of confidence. He made me feel at ease as we discussed my martial arts history and goals. I told him that I had taken 4 years of Tae Kwon Do but still felt as thought I was no good in a ‘real’ situation. I was good at forms but lacked the real sparring experience. He told me that many students at Warrior’s Cove had joined because of the ‘true to life’ training. He said, ‘kicking the air will do you no good.’ He said many things that I also heard from Bruce Lee’s fighting philosophy. He had me convinced. I joined that week. I have now found what seems to be the most effective form of self defense and exercise.

My first day was a real eye opener. I didn’t want to be like most beginners. I wanted to get right into free-sparring. This is where you wrestle other students to gain superior positions as they are taught in class. My first opponent was a towering gentleman by the name of Jan. (pronounced Yan) Being much taller than me, Jan had a considerable advantage not to mention he was also a gold belt. We started ‘rolling’ and he put me into his guard. To be in some ones guard means that you are trapped between their legs as they lay on their back. I had no choice but to give up. He then followed up by showing me ways to escape. This is what I love about this school. The other students aren’t there to ‘beat’ you. They are there to learn and to teach others as well. Mr. Arnebeck goes out of his way to do the same. He is never hesitant to demonstrate the move with you in order to answer your questions. The teaching is great, the students and staff are very helpful and receptive, and the atmosphere is that of a dedicated practice.

I have come a long way since my first week and am now a 3rd degree white belt on my way to my gold belt. I can’t wait to have enough experience to make it to gold so that I am able to start the submission moves. I already feel so much stronger and well balanced. My asthma has also been tamed to the point where I’m barely using my inhaler. Thanks to Warrior’s Cove I have a new found confidence in myself and the art and I know that I will actually ‘earn’ my way to new ranks. I’d rather be a white belt at Warrior’s Cove than a higher rank anywhere else. Thank you…”

Michael Geronsin

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. Previous Training Includes 4 Years of Tae Kwon Do.

“You have earned my respect and loyalty as a student. Congratulations for your success at the Arnold Schwarzenegger & Gracie Brothers World Championships!”

Matt House

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student..

“Regarding kickboxing, I really like Carolyn’s workouts! She brings a lot of energy to class, and keeps it fresh with a lot of variety. I also appreciate her emphasis on form and balance in slow movements, as well as muscle endurance. She provides not only a great workout, but after class I feel I’ve really improved myself. As with both of you, and your other instructors, your attention to detail and seemingly small changes in technique produce major improvements in speed, power, and fluidity of motion. Combinations become easier to execute and more effective.”

Scott A. Limpert, CFA.

MMA, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu & Kickboxing Student. President, Limpert Capital Management. Former Tae Kwon Do student.

“I am a former soldier of the 82nd Airborne Division, U.S. Army. I like the overall training I am receiving at the Cove. I really love the longer class times. The options a person has with the Cove are awesome. I would recommend the Warrior’s Cove to anyone who is tired of the same old same old. At the Cove everything is new and fun. I get all of the strength training and cardio work I could ask for, plus the added bonus of the mental and psychological aspect of martial arts training. Really helps me to focus on other goals I have in life.”

Zach Patterson

MMA and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. Previous Training Includes 1.5 years of Japanese Jiu Jitsu, Kickboxing & Boxing. Upper Midwest Golden Gloves Boxing Champion – 1991. Former Army Soldier – 82nd Airborne.

“The Warriors Cove has turned out to be a kind of fountain of youth for me. At age 47, I am among the older students at the Cove. After decades of strenuous farm work and even more intense lifting at UPS while attending school in my 40’s, I found myself at a desk job after graduation. As a result, my body seemed to begin to “freeze” from inactivity, and about every six months, I’d pull something in my back and walk bent over for 2 to 4 weeks. My shoulders had gotten to the point of discomfort when simply putting my hands on my hips. Resting my arm on the back of chair or sofa was nearly impossible. Many trips and hundreds of dollars to chiropractors were only marginally effective in relieving the discomfort, yet the root problems remained.

As a result of the warm-up, stretching and comprehensive conditioning from live grappling at the Warriors Cove, I haven’t had a single occurrence of back trouble in the year and a half that I’ve been a member despite giving my back a great deal more bending, flexing and twisting during my workouts. My shoulders have more range of motion and less pain since longer ago than I can remember. My flexibility, endurance and appearance continue to improve with each passing month.

The last profound benefit of the Warriors Cove for me has been the anxiety and stress relief. The relaxing effects of such a comprehensive and safe workout are also evident through the interaction between students before and after a workout. Upon arrival, many students including myself are very quiet and introspective. However, as we are leaving after the open gym, the volume level of conversation among the same people is notably greater.
My experience at the Warriors Cove has been very positive due to the fore mentioned benefits along with the emphasis on safety and the skill and dedication of Mr. Arnebeck and his staff. If I were to offer advice to new students, it would be two-fold: First, set priorities and know what you hope to accomplish. Second, be patient. The results will come.”

Tom Roehl

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. Previous Experience: High School Wrestling

“I like that every other day is stand up or grappling so one does not get frustrated by missing one or the other. There are a lot of class times which makes it easy to come in and take classes. So far everyone at the cove has been great, fun to work with and learn from. I have recommended it to the majority of coworkers telling them that it is a great work out and would provide a practical application to our jobs as police officers.”

Tom Gagnon

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. Police Officer.

“The number one thing that the Cove has going for it is the culture–everyone was very friendly when I first came to look at the school. The sense of cooperation, respect, and conscientiousness about safety has carried over to the classes as well. The “Warrior’s Cove” couldn’t be more aptly named. It is a rejuvenating place for people that have chosen to be the protectors for those that they love. I read an article the other day that resonated: “But what if you have a capacity for violence, and a deep love for your fellow citizens? What do you have then? A sheepdog, a warrior, someone who is walking the hero’s path. Someone who can walk into the heart of darkness, into the universal human phobia, and walk out unscathed.”

Michael Lomker

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu student. Former Karate student.

“Super professional training, very practical, challenging, great overall conditioning. The Warrior’s Cove offers practical and real-world self-defense training.”

Terry Luke

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. Business Presentation Consultant.

“I would recommend Warriors Cove to anybody interested in learning a real world martial art that is both a great mental and physical workout. All the different times to come and train is a really nice feature. Good class format of standup and ground work every other day. Warrior’s Cove is a challenging, safe environment where anybody can come and learn. The Instructors are dedicated to meeting the needs of everyone who trains there, whether they are there for physical fitness, self-defense, or competition. I came to Warriors cove for all of the reasons above. Since I joined I have lost a fair amount of weight, my endurance has skyrocketed, and I have made a lot of great friends.”

Sam Erickson

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. Former training includes Brown Belt in National Karate, Gold Belt in Shorin Ryu, 1.5 years of Wrestling. Business and Bible Majors at Bethel College.

“Mr. Arnebeck, Just so you know, I’ve been very happy with what I’m learning at Warrior’s Cove and I’ve found it to be a good value so far. You’d be happy to know that just a little time at Warrior’s Cove has indirectly carried over into other areas of my life. First of all, I have started to realize how much real work, practice, trial-and-adjustment, mental discipline and concentration it will take to become a truly good fighter. And I’m not a good fighter, yet. But these aren’t traits that apply just to martial arts. They apply to school, job skills, and pretty much anything of value you’d want to do in your life. For some reason, the opportunity to think about all this in the sense of physically training your body just makes everything more clear when applied to seemingly more complicated activities of life. In sum, I have been very happy with my training at Warrior’s Cove. Cheers.”

Alex Merkle

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. College Student.

“The training offered by you is some of the best I have ever experienced. The format you use for the kids class seems to work really well. I was surprised at how seamlessly mine fit in. I was also very impressed at the number of adults you had available to help facilitate the kids, and their willingness to make the work fun. I believe that having them involved in a high quality, Gracie-based system at this young age will produce payoffs that will not be seen for years to come. I just want to take a few minutes to say that I am very impressed with the way you run your business. I can see that you plan to grow your academy, but are being very careful to grow smarter instead of faster. That is a credit to you. I have been involved with several instructors that used the buy-a-belt and get rich quick methods of martial arts training. I saw none of that at your school.”

Ray Guest

Family MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. Former training includes Jiu Jitsu.

“Best workout! All the muscles are used at some point! Interesting, fun, and as challenging as chess! Benefits everyone regardless of weight, sex, degree of fitness, or previous experience.”

Susan Hira

MMA, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu & Eskrima Student.

“I want to thank you for the skills I learned at the Warrior’s Cove. In Mexico, my girlfriend and I were leaving a bar, and we were jumped by three men. I took the biggest guy down to the sidewalk and applied a choke. I then told him to call off his buddies. Without the training, I could have been seriously injured. Thanks.”

Dr. Jason Webb

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student and Doctor of Chiropractic.

“I have searched all over the metro area for an aerobic kickboxing workout that is fun yet challenging and found what I was looking for at Warrior’s Cove. It is a great place to exercise and I have recommended it to all of my friends!”

Erica Jensen

Fitness Kickboxing Student. No Previous Martial Art Training.

“The attitudes of the instructors and members contribute to a constructive atmosphere for training and learning. Members are always welcome to contribute their ideas or ask questions. No member is asked to do anything they are uncomfortable doing.”

Randy Bourget

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. Mechanical Design Engineer. No previous martial art training.

“The Warrior’s Cove is not only a good place for training, it is also a great community to be part of. I felt accepted and welcome from the first class. Great instructors, great atmosphere and a great experience!”

Jane Shvelidze

MMA, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu & Fitness Kickboxing Student. No Previous Martial Art Training.

“I recently moved to San Francisco, and my top priority has been to find a martial arts school where I could become involved in a rigorous kickboxing program like I have experienced at Warrior’s Cove. There are dojos [schools] on every corner here, but none that even remotely compare to the Cove. When I walked into Warrior’s Cove several years ago, I knew immediately that this was not just another martial arts school. This was a special place filled with people who care about each other and enjoy training together. The kickboxing classes are the most intense and fun that I have ever encountered. The instructors have a vast knowledge of technique and are passionate about their teaching. The students are made to feel comfortable and important. I miss the Warrior’s Cove like you would not believe! I look forward to the day I can move back.”

Jessa Walters

Fitness Kickboxing Student. No previous martial art training.

“All the members I’ve trained with are very easy to work with and personable. I’ve never had an issue with anyone being too aggressive or indifferent or even less than friendly. The loose scheduling is also excellent. I have preset days but if the class isn’t full I can switch up if my schedule needs to switch days. One on one detailed questions for the instructor during open gym is another nice perk. The fact that the tuition is locked in at sign up also makes the whole package very attractive!

From my experience, one is less likely to encounter confrontations requiring all out strikes than in cases where submission techniques could be used. I see a more practical use for submissions as taught in this style. Submissions diffuse a hostile situation, are a more efficient use of energy, and contain the confrontation better than striking in most public situations. The style [Gracie Jiu Jitsu] is built as a fully functional no holds bared fighting system used by some US military forces which is proof of its effectiveness and is what caught my interest.”

Mark Lessard

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. Former training includes 6 years of Tae Kwon Do.

“I have attended several [martial art] schools, and one school for about 2 years. While the school I attended for 2 years taught me a lot, it was not as organized, disciplined or effective as Warrior’s Cove. All of the instructors are very mature and know a tremendous amount and are very eager to teach. They let members train at their own pace, and set their own level of intensity. For those members who are very serious they also provide an environment that allows them to progress as fast as they want.”

Darryl Peterson

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. Former training includes 2 years of Kenpo.

“I am very thankful for having the opportunity to train under both you and Rickson. You both possess a warrior spirit that is able to transcend the limitations of modern society, and those unique qualities that allow you to transmit your strength and knowledge to others in a compassionate way.”

Dennis Chornenky

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. Former training includes various martial arts.

“I really do like the atmosphere of the Warrior’s Cove, its relaxed but serious too. I like the small class sizes, and I feel that I am really learning a lot of things in kickboxing. Carolyn is an excellent instructor. She has such great motivation and is very personal with every member. She makes me feel comfortable in the class even though I am new to kickboxing. Even in the first class, I felt at ease and comfortable, not intimidated. Her instructions while teaching the class are clear and motivating!”

Danielle Davis

Fitness Kickboxing Student. No Previous Martial Art Training.

“The classes are designed for you to progress at your own pace in a system emphasizing mutual respect, safety, and self-development as well as self-defense. Everyone there is the type of person I like to train with.”

Josha Anderson

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. Former Aikido student.

“Of course every martial arts school says that their methods are the most effective and realistic, and that their instructors are the most skilled and experienced (mostly because they’re wearing a black belt). After having trained at various schools, I have no doubt that three months of MMA training at the Warriors Cove is more valuable for self-defense than three years at any other martial arts school in Minnesota.”

Paul Ehresmann

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. Previous training includes Tae Kwon Do and United Martial Arts.

“These philosophies are GREAT!! This is exactly the kind of thing that every martial arts school should be providing it’s students. Sometimes we need reminders of why we’re there and that what we’re getting out of our training is not just physical in nature. It’s this kind of stuff that sets the Warrior’s Cove apart from any other martial arts school out there.”

Andrea Simonson

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. Former Hapkido Student.

“The main reason I joined the Cove over other places is because of the safety offered in training. Everyone is always helpful and tries to make learning a positive experience. Some of the other places I looked at had a very military approach to training and I liked the Cove’s personal environment. The other thing that attracted me to the Cove was the effectiveness of the techniques. We are taught ways to defend ourselves that work. They are not always flashy and showy but they work.”

Anthony Wolyniec

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. No previous martial art training.

“It is the best overall training I have come across. All aspects of realistic fighting are taken into consideration. Not many schools provide ground fighting, yet this is where most fights end up!”

Jason Bretto

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. Former training includes 5 years of Tae Kwon Do and 2 years of Boxing.

“The Warrior’s Cove offers many disciplines and cross-training principles. No matter what form of martial art you have studied in the past, you will learn a great deal more by incorporating these cross-training techniques.”

Michelle Cruze

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. Former Chung Moo Do (Oom Yung Do) practitioner.

“Before I joined the Warrior’s Cove I had the opportunity to visit many of the other schools in the area. As a former wrestler, I asked what they would do if someone got past their kicks and punches and grabbed them or wrestled them to the ground. They told me that I would not need to worry about that. Now I know how ridiculous that answer was. The Warriors Cove has an effective martial art curriculum with both striking and grappling. I have met new friends and achieved greater self-discipline. Don’t take my word for it, find out for yourself how fun and rewarding this training is!”

Michael Moren

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. Former Wrestler and Gymnast with a Degree in Exercise & Corporate Fitness.

“It is one of the few places in the upper Midwest providing genuine Brazilian Jiu Jitsu which, combined with the striking techniques taught, is a very practical system of self-defense. The instructors are very approachable, and the members are enjoyable to train with. I live 50 miles from the school, and it’s definitely worth the trip!”

Bill Moser

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. Former student of Arizona Judo Champion and UFC Competitor, Christopher Leininger.

“Based on my observations here in Korea and throughout Asia, the members of the Cove are advanced many years beyond the world of traditional martial arts.”

Corey Kellet

Air Force Officer studying Muay Thai Kickboxing in Asia. Formerly studied MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at the Warrior’s Cove.

“I’ve studied at various martial art schools in the last 13 years. Many schools teach only punching and kicking, but no grappling. I saw a Black Belt from one of these schools in a bar fight. He was bear-hugged and thrown on the ground. It wasn’t pretty. I did eventually find a school that taught grappling, but during sparring, I noticed the techniques weren’t practical. Even the highest ranked members weren’t able to perform the techniques if the opponent resisted slightly. One other school was very militant, and played mind games and showed no respect for the students. Therefore, I highly recommend the Warrior’s Cove because it teaches punching and kicking, but only the stuff that works in real life. More importantly, it teaches what to do if the fight goes to the ground! All the senior students and instructors are patient and respectful. They have made me, and all the new students, feel welcome.”

Joe Molinaro

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. Former Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Aikijutsu, and Chung Moo Do (Oom Yung Do) practitioner.

“Excellent teachers with a safe and supportive environment in which to learn.”

Mary Henry

MMA, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu & Aikido Student. 4th Degree Black Belt in Shorin Ryu Karate.

“The Warrior’s Cove has a relaxed atmosphere with small classes and lots of personal attention.”

Rachel Toles

Fitness Kickboxing Student.

“Good teachers, good students, good organization! While I still crave the sense of calm and assuredness that would come from more years of study and improvement, the year and a half I’ve worked out at the Cove has definitely had an impact on my confidence and self-esteem. I certainly owe you for much of that. Thanks.”

Mark Wicklund

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. No previous martial art training. Discontinued training to live overseas.

“I needed an outlet for stress, wanted to get in shape, and learn self-defense at the same time. My interest in the Ultimate Fighting Championship and Pride [Championship] also played a part in my learning Jiu Jitsu. Now my self image is improving and I feel better about myself. I’m not intimidated by some people anymore.”

Chris Bultje

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. Former training includes Shotokan Karate.

“All the instructors are great and each offers something special.”

Ivan Zassavitski

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“I really enjoyed my training. I hope to come back sometime in the future and Warrior’s Cove would be my first choice.”

Gary Erkenbrack

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“I loved the classes, instructors and students!”

Jennessa Nelson

Fitness Kickboxing Student

“I liked the classes. I really don’t think there is anything that needs to be improved. Everyone was very nice and helpful and answered all the questions that I had.”

Gao Yang

Fitness Kickboxing Student

“Thank you so much for the invaluable training I have received through your program. The flexible schedule and competent instructors have made this experience ideal for learning BJJ. Keep up the good work!”

Nathan Erickson

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“I really enjoyed my experience at the gym. The instructors were knowledgeable and applied the techniques in a way that was easily understandable. You are running a great place and I wish you great luck in the future.”

Isaac Werre

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“John enjoyed and benefited from your instruction. Thank you.”

Gayle Martin

Mother of MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“The classes and instructors are great. I love coming. Thanks.”

Anthony Quill

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“The classes, instructors, and other members were incredible. I wouldn’t change a thing. I had a great time. So I will definitely sign up again when I move back to the Twin Cities.”

David Hustrulid

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“I really loved attending classes and kind of upset not to attend it further. I loved the classes and instructors.”

Nikhil Gauba

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“The instructors were all very helpful and knowledgeable and the classes were very informative.”

Sam Newbauer

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“I thought the classes were run very well and were very helpful. I enjoyed all of the time I was able to train there, I thought it was very rewarding and an encouraging environment. If it wasn’t for getting pregnant, I would absolutely continue there much longer, I enjoyed all the people and the classes and it was an excellent experience. Thank you.”

Janna Rekedal

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“I loved training at the Cove. All of the trainers were great. Thanks for all the help and keep up the good work.”

Joel Holden

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“The gym was great, Jessie, Andrew, Jamie, all those guys and more were very welcoming and didn’t get annoyed even though I had tons of questions. Wish I could still go.”

Conor Hesch

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“Thanks, the enthusiasm and passion in your instructors helped light a fire under my ass, and thanks for showing me BJJ’s superiority over other arts.”

Michael Koop

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“Tony really did enjoy the classes, and teachers, and learned a lot from them. He has really enjoyed his experience at Warriors Cove. Thank you.”

Patty Mason

Mother of MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“I love the training and the atmosphere provided by Warriors Cove. Thank you for everything.”

Andy Volkart

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“Training helped me gain a profound respect for my favorite sport (mixed martial arts) and has made me feel better as a person.
I’ve only had to use my training once outside the gym, on a trip to Chicago I was walking out of a bar after helping break up an argument between my friend and another group of guys. I was the first one out and before I knew it one of the guys ran up behind me and punched me in the head. I rolled onto my back so I could face him, he rushed in to punch me again but my feet were already in the air and keeping him at bay. Essentially all I did was not let him pass my guard while he was standing, and my friends chased him away by the time they got out.

It all went down in like 10 seconds… but I know for a fact if I didn’t have any training I would have been more stunned and took a less intelligent defensive position, perhaps resulting in breaking my nose or knocking out some teeth with any kind of follow up attack.

I just wanted to share that with you and let you know that your training made a difference, and I always recommend your school. Thank you again for all the memories and a great experience!”

Michael Dewulf

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“Training helped me gain a profound respect for my favorite sport (mixed martial arts) and has made me feel better as a person.
I’ve only had to use my training once outside the gym, on a trip to Chicago I was walking out of a bar after helping break up an argument between my friend and another group of guys. I was the first one out and before I knew it one of the guys ran up behind me and punched me in the head. I rolled onto my back so I could face him, he rushed in to punch me again but my feet were already in the air and keeping him at bay. Essentially all I did was not let him pass my guard while he was standing, and my friends chased him away by the time they got out.

It all went down in like 10 seconds… but I know for a fact if I didn’t have any training I would have been more stunned and took a less intelligent defensive position, perhaps resulting in breaking my nose or knocking out some teeth with any kind of follow up attack.

I just wanted to share that with you and let you know that your training made a difference, and I always recommend your school. Thank you again for all the memories and a great experience!”

Michael Dewulf

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“The instructors are very good and I learned a great deal. I am in the National Guard and and I will be deploying to Iraq at the end of the year. I enjoyed training at the Cove and when I get back from my deployment in 2010 I plan on returning to the Cove to pick up where I left off.”

Noel Gingrich

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“I have enjoyed training at your Burnsville school, and I think the instruction has been great.”

Brent Halliday

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“The classes and instructors were way above my expectations. I would like to thank you for an excellent experience.”

John A. DeAngelo Jr

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“I had a wonderful time with the Warriors Cove. The classes were excellent along with the instructors and the other members. I am actually very sad that I must stop training at this time. I greatly enjoyed my time with the Cove. Thank you.”

Jacob Reim

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“I think that you have a great facility with very talented staff. Keep doing what you are doing, I think it’s great!”

Matthew J. Bowron

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“Mr. Arnebeck. I cannot thank you enough for the training. I have really enjoyed every aspect of the Cove. Everything, I really enjoy the training, the people, Nate and most of all the sense of feeling that I belong there. I am greatly appreciative to you for the training you have provided me, I have made numerous recommendations to others to check you and the Cove out.”

Mike Dussault

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“Mr. Arnebeck, being at Warriors Cove has been a great experience and I am quite sad to be leaving. Each instructor is friendly, engaging, humble, confident and clearly very good at what they do. I am getting exactly what I want: to learn how to fight well, but in a friendly environment. This is a credit to Warriors Cove. Thanks again!”

Jim Hallfin

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“This is an extremely structured and well thought out program. I have been in many sports and have coached many as well, this is by far the most efficiently run program I have been with. I like the split training days of standup and ground. As far as getting attention, I felt like all the instructors gave everyone the attention that was needed. I never had a question unanswered. P.S. I have a lot of people ask where I train and who I train with when I’m rolling at the gym. I always send them your way.”

Ryan Carpenter

LEED AP, Project Engineer: McQuay International. MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“I enjoyed training at the Warrior’s Cove very much. The instructors are great and I had a lot fun rolling with the other members. Thanks for everything.” 

Jon Grilz

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“I would like to thank you and the instructors for your teaching styles and the personal attention given to Phillip while he was attending classes. He has enjoyed all of the instructors and classes while he was an active member. Andrew and Nate were especially helpful. Not only did he learn MMA techniques but he also learned to accept constructive criticism and how to interact with fellow students. Thank you.”

Angela Rasmussen

Mother of MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“I have been genuinely impressed with your facilities and have nothing but positive things to say. You guys have been awesome. Thank you.”

Stein Thorbeck

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“I am very satisfied with the training at Warrior’s Cove.”

Michael Conrady

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“I would like to add that I really enjoy the classes at the St. Louis Park facility. The instructors are top notch. I tend to ask a lot of questions to be sure I am getting the technique correct or solicit ideas on positional options available to me and I really like the fact that the instructors are very approachable and are willing to help in any way they can. I also like the warm-ups; they alone provide a good workout for me. Another positive is the full hour of instruction time – even after warm-ups there is still plenty of instructional time. Other places only have 50 or 45 minutes classes and 1/3 of the time is used up in the warm-ups. Overall I can’t say enough about my experience at the Warrior’s Cove. Thanks again for the opportunity to train at the Warrior’s Cove.”

Jerry Horning

Product Engineering Manager – Graco CED Engineering – MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“Your school has given me a very good insight on learning what is essentially important in martial arts . Please also extend my gratitude to your instructors, Andrew, Joe and Nate. They all seem so full of skills and patience. They are very technical and take enough time to impart what they know. The open gym sessions after each class is very apt since your students are able to try out what were taught in class. Overall, my experience with your classes are good and I would definitely recommend your classes.”

Alexander Martinez

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“I appreciate how great instructors you have have been. Thank you very much.”

Jacob Baughman

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“I found the gym very relaxing place to be and I liked the training and the demonstration. Every instructor went through each step thoroughly and I enjoyed the classes.”

Matt Wilker

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“Thank you for the awesome training you provide!”

Joe Long

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“The training at your is school was some of the best I’ve had in my many years of training.”

Dan Goetz

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“The instructors are all great and I love the setup.”

Don Lay

Best Buy Field Services Analyst – MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“My son and I have enjoyed being members and look forward to our return. You have a wonderful club and your instructors are top notch. Thank you again.”

Dayton Stearns

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student – Father of Family MMA Class Child.

“Jeff wanted you to know that he had a great time and really enjoyed the instructions, classes and the inclusive environment he felt part of. He thoroughly enjoyed the time spent at Warrior’s Cove.”

Mark Lozano on behalf of Jeff Lozano

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“The classes and the instructors are fantastic.”

Jeff Hargarten

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“Thanks so much for the chance to learn and grow, I really enjoy going to your school.”

Jared Ostrem

Project Manager, Division 21 Inc. – MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“I think the classes are laid out very well and the instructors are very good. I thought you may appreciate what led me to your school in the first place. I started taking Tang Soo Do up at St. Cloud back in 94. 10 years later I wanted to get back into it – it always was in the back of my head that I wanted to continue doing martial arts. About a year and a half ago I started back up. From the outset I was not too happy. First trying to get back up to my abilities of 4th gup and testing for 3rd gup were frustrating. It was mainly the Korean that was the problem not the moves themselves! Also I never felt that this was improving my chances of defending myself in a real fight. These were just a few of a long list of things. One night in class the Master was upset and was referring to a web site for the Warriors Cove and to the list of problems with other martial arts. The next day out of curiosity I visited the web site and read what the Master was talking about. There before my eyes was the list – and I feel like my situation applied to at least 3/4 of them. I stopped almost immediately and started classes last November. My whole point to all of this is that your web site was what got me to head in – and your school has lived up to everything I thought it would be. My only problem now is I wish I had the time to train more than twice a week.”

Alex Lohmann

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“I very much appreciate all the time and teaching of you and your dedicated staff. I enjoyed the classes (especially the ground work). Many thanks.”

Jeremy Burke

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“I want to thank you for such a great school. I joined on Wednesday and attended again on Friday at the St Louis Park training facility for the 7:00 PM MMA class. Wow! Each class was incredible and the instructors were excellent. Respectfully.”

Joe Nadeau

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“I have to say that I’m glad you guys are providing this training to people. My husband became a different person when he started training – he was more confident, happy, optimistic, more conscious of eating the right food – it totally changed his outlook on life. Thank you!”

Jeanne Cloud-Nadeau

Wife of MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“He has truly enjoyed being a part of the class and the instructors and other people there have been great. Thank You.”

Jamie Haala

Parent of Warrior’s Cove Student Antonio Tekautz.

“I am very thankful for all that I have learned from you and the other instructors. Thanks.”

Mark Skildum

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“Mr. Arnebeck. Warrior’s Cove has been a great experience for me, and I’d like to extend my gratitude to you for all I have learned. I think the structure and professionalism of all your instructors is fantastic.”

Robert O. Powers

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“I have had an excellent time and learned a lot.”

Nigel Isaac

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“Everybody has been nice and supportive in all the classes. I’m very happy I started doing this. I’m certainly not back to when I was 17 and wrestling but I feel the work outs I get doing the Kickboxing class’s are very healthy, certainly less repetitive and more of a full body work out than if I was doing anything else I can think of. Well anything else I would want to do. Aerobics, palettes, even Yoga are not exactly something that can hold my attention. Warriors Cove is Very good fit for me. Walking around in the 180’s now. Was as high as 250 at one point. Thanks for all the great training! My 8 year old really likes it!”

Brendan Bakken

Network Administrator. Fitness Kickboxing Student. Father of Family MMA Class Child.

“Mr. Arnebeck -I have enjoyed my time at your facility and all your instructors and classes. The MMA/BJJ classes were my favorite and my reason for attending, but I also enjoyed the Yoga classes as warm up, and the Judo classes to help learn another form and discipline.  Your establishment is top notch, and I hope to be able to join again in the future.”

Tom Davis

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“Everything at the Cove was done well and professionally. I was most impressed with your business and the instructors were excellent. Thank you again. Best Regards.”

Dr. Howard Lederer

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“Let me say that instructors and members were always courteous and respectful and the well taught classes made for an overall awesome experience. Thanks again.”

James Manning

Product Support Analyst, McKesson Corporation. MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“Mr. Arnebeck, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to train with you and your instructors; it has been by far the best martial arts training experience that I have ever had. Thank you again. I will refer anyone to Warrior’s Cove that is looking for top-notch instruction and a friendly and comfortable training environment. Best Regards.”

Marshall J. Washick

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“I have learned a lot in the short time I have participated and appreciate all of the kindness throughout the schools. Thank you.”

Matt Etten

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“I want to thank you for everything. Everyone was great at the gym in Little Canada.”

Aaron Austin

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“Greg LOVES everything about Warrior’s Cove. He calls me nearly every day upon leaving his workout on an exercise “high.” He raves on about the fantastic workout he’s getting. Thanks!”

Sharon Pescheret

Wife of MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“I have enjoyed all of my training at Warriors Cove and have only good things to say about the Cove and the people there. Thanks.”

Jeffrey Nelson

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“I went almost exclusively to kickboxing classes and generally had nothing but a great experience.”

MIke Mergens

Fitness Kickboxing Student.

“I felt that the classes, instructors, and members were all very helpful and friendly. All questions I ask are answered. Techniques are taught very well and are useful. My Jiu Jitsu compared to friends training at other gyms longer is beyond what they have learned. I had a great experience here. Thank you.”

Cory Christofferson

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“Thank you for all the excellent training over the last few years.”

Geoff Grcevich

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“The classes, instructors, and members are everything I could have asked for. Top notch in my book. I have nothing but praise for the Warrior’s Cove.”

Anthony Halvorson

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“Instructors were great. Structure of the classes were great.”

Josh Witt

Securities Ops Specialist, Wells Fargo. MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“My son really enjoyed the classes. He thoroughly enjoyed the Cove classes and all of the instructors. He thought the classes helped him with his flexibility as well as his skill and comfort level doing the mat work. Thanks again.”

Steve Krohn

Father of MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“Thanks for the great summer of training. Everything was awesome!!! I loved going to the Cove. Everyone there was great and always very cheerful.”

Sean Usher

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“I also wanted to thank you for running such a great school. The skills learned there span much more than just physical combat, most of which I never expected to get out of a Jiu-jitsu class. It helped me learn confidence, but also humility. Every step of the way you would feel great knowing your advancing, but at every level you advanced there was another challenge to be had.”

Andrew Crosby

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“Mr. Arnebeck. Training Jiu-Jitsu at the Warrior’s Cove has been a great experience and worth every penny. The instructors were all very courteous and knowledgeable. The price is an absolute bargain. The training space was always clean and spacious. Andrew Bendzick is an especially adept instructor. No nonsense and very thorough with plenty of time for questions and one-on-one interaction. I will continue to recommend The Warriors Cove to people who might be interested. Thank You.”

Justin Israelson

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“Your staff were exceptional, members helpful, and the classes excellent. We definitely had a great experience. We will definitely recommend you to others. Thank you.”

Samira Hargraves

CEO, Pilates by Samira. MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“Thank you very much for everything. I had an amazing learning experience and time.”

Ozan Kalpak

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“The program, the instructors, location, tuition, were all wonderful. We have no complaints about anything. Thank you for the time that Cody was there.”

Lisa Ocepek

Mother of MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“The experience gained was simply priceless. Thank you.”

Jimmy Phouisangiem

Mother of MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“I had a blast with it, it was a ton of fun and the instructors and other members were all nice. One other note I would like to make is how great the judo instructors were at the Burnsville location. I came into the judo class just to give it a try and they went out of their way to help me learn the basics of judo so I could start to learn some of the moves all the people with higher ranks than me were learning. Thanks again!”

Matt Franson

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“Over the past year and a half, I have thoroughly enjoyed being a member of Warrior’s Cove. Once again, thank you so much for providing such an excellent, accepting, and challenging atmosphere.”

Jared Zagelbaum

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“I thought the classes were great overall! I learned a lot of different techniques and your instructors in the Burnsville location are first rate.”

Joe Anderson

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“Your facility is one of the best I have attended here in the cities and I will continue to recommend your classes to all those who are looking for quality training. Thank you.”

Jason Bautista

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“I really enjoy my time at the Cove. You guys have a great school.”

Adam Bastien

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“I really loved the programs. The training was great.”

Jon Schmidt

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.

“Evan spoke about how ‘cool’ and ‘fun’ the instructors are and that he was always excited to show me new moves or improved moves that the instructors showed him how to make better.”

John Composto

Father of Family MMA Class Child.

“I wanted to say thanks for all that you do.  The school is great and the instructors are irreplaceable.”  

Brian Dismang MCSE, CCA

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student. Father of Family MMA Class Child.

“On another note I’d like to say how much I enjoy comming to the Saint Paul Warriors Cove for the MMA Class. I’m working out exclusively at the Warriors Cove and have gained muscle, lost fat, gained flexibility, gained knowledge and am working out more than I ever have. Its an excellent work out and it couldn’t be more fun.”

Nick Dettinger

MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Student.